Saturday, December 14, 2024

The orphan collector

It was a disappointment. 

The book was very slow paced. And it was about the influenza epidemic.
 I read the book assuming everything was true. But once you finish she ends with no one did the orphan collecting. 

It was very confusing to know what part was true and what was not. They cannot do this kind of historical novel by being inaccurate. The biggest relevation here was the orphan making from immigrants but if it was not accurate, it's kind of disappointing.

I have to now think which part was true in 1918 and which is not... 

Book itself was very slow and too much of misery .. 

Monday, March 18, 2024


8 mile run
Nandhini karate
Aunty bhindi
Oil change done
Talk to krithika
Ice cream shop

Missing vaasan 

To be healthy 

Saturday, March 23, 2019

What the Wind Knows - Amy Harmon

I dint know Ireland had its own independence struggle.  Growing up, I always thought Great Britain consists of Ireland, Scotland and England. Never realized, Irish people had their own fight for freedom.

All these years, i have read stories about Titanic and other times when people left Ireland to escape being bonded labourers and potato blight. But never read about the Easter rising and Irish struggle for independence.

Amy Harmon's this story, throws light on that part of Irish history I was totally unaware of. Amy also mixes up time travel into this. What if you go back in time and able to see how the struggle happened? What if you dont have to write a historic novel - but bring in love and romance in that along with the way you read about History ?

And another take away is dont have any rules. Most of the time-travel books i have read would have some ground rules - about loving in the other time and how it would change the history/ future. But Amy did not worry about any of those. And she worte a book where lovers go bank and front in time. And she gave a happy ending too. Thats all the more welcome!

I had to read it in one sitting - couldnt, and got obsessed. I was glad to be able to listen and read.

Its a really nice book i have read in recent days.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Cisco's Blockchain Bootcamp

Today I attended the Blockchain Boot camp from Cisco. There were lot of start ups out there trying to see whats there in Cisco's platform. They were also seeing if Cisco will help with funding the effort.

There was also lot of developers/  innovators across Cisco who have submitted something about Blockchain for the Innovation Challenge 4.

Initially we had some talk from Anoop and DD(the marketing head for Blockchain business). Then there was Ram Jagadeesan talking about how the blockchain platform in Cisco works.

Pooja Bhatia gave a good demo. I am waiting for the first version to be released in Devnet, so we can work on it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Blockchain for Business

I just finished the course

Blockchain for Business - An Introduction to Hyperledger Technologies

It was a good course. There are lot of Hyperledger frameworks: 

1. Hyperledger Iroha

2. Hyperledger Sawtooth

3. Hyperledger Fabric.


Fabric provides a easy way to get to the private blockchain  - hence it is used by companies. 

 As of now, Blockchain is fairly young. Blockchain was founded by Nakoshi Sakamoto (May be wrong) in 2009. Bitcoin was direct child of blockchain. Bitcoin has grown quickly while Blockchain as a technology has been experimented and used by various other industries only now - recently in 2013-14 timeframe. As of now only Supplychain industry has taken it up.

IBM created Hyperledger fabric, but they gave away the code to the open source Linux Foundation. All other corporates like Oracle, Salesforce, IBM and even Cisco are working on creating their own version of this fabric so that they can use it for supply chain. As of today, Supply chain is the only other use case other than Finance that has taken up Blockchain

One main reason is we need to still think and come up on what is the best usecase for Blockchain. May be we dont even need such a elaborate thing like blockchain for many usecases. Blockchain is a distributed decentralized database and with permissioned block chain- a bit of the decentralization goes away.

When businesses need blockchain - why do they need it ? 

1. If the data to be created in blockchain is very large - it wont scale in a blockchain network. As it is, it feels like blockchain is  a bit slow even though Bitcoin is trying to be fast.

2. If any company has

  -  a small data - in bytes and not kilobytes

   -  and they want to create a common database which 

   - they can access along with a few more players around the globe

    - and needs to be permission ed

 then it might be good to use blockchain. Some examples are :

a. Tuna fishing industry - to mark the sustainable tuna.

b. Land records - this is needed because we need to make sure the land records of a particular country is saved without any dispute.

c. Any other sustainable agriculture industry where there is need to store the origin of a particular record to make sure there is no foulplay when it is marked as sustainable/fairtrade. 

 d. To create Anti-Counterfeit chips or pieces in a software to help avoid counterfieting or overusing of software.

e. Identity card in a big country like India or China - where SSN might be a lot harder to implement.  Adding Blockchain for this kind of identity cards might avoid kidnapping and child trafficking. 


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Run in the Hail

Its about 3 weeks since I last wrote here, but that doesnt mean I have stopped running. I dint go run for about a week starting my birthday, but then I went back to the Thursday Track on a rainy day and set it right.

March 3:
Track work out. I think we did like 4 laps - the rule was to do the second one little faster than the first and so forth. And then another mile which will be same or less time than the first mile - which I faltered - I was late by like 30 seconds.

March 5:
Whisman Park in Mountain View: I kind of accepted that i am a slow runner and wanted to go into the track by 7:30 but I was lost when searching for Whisman park. Somehow, my GPS dint know Whismnan park and I dint expect such a big trail in the middle of residential and office area in Mountain View. When I found the park, I was ontime for the 8:00 AM runners. I did this 8 mile course and surprisingly in 2 hours. It was the first time I did 8 miles and every part of the body was aching for the next day or two, but it felt good.

March 8:
Buddy Run with Chris Walker. I was all charged up for the walk, but no one else turned out on this tuesday and me and Chris ended up walking for 3.5 miles. We did it very slow - about 1 hour for the whole thing, but it was worth it.

March 10:
Track and hang with the gang. Track started late due to some school event, but it was good. I somehow forgot to prep my running clothes bag with my sports bra and ended up with a bad upper back ache on Thursday night. I felt it difficult to breath or sleep and had to sleep on two advil. The next day, I had a nice hot bath and got myself ready for Saturday's long run.

March 12:
It was the day before the "Go Green" Event and hence our Rivermark Plaza run was cancelled. I had to go to Campbell Park - late as usual but I caught up with the sisters Sheetal and Shalin and did 6 miles - 2 hours this time. I introduced the hobees brunch to Shalin and Sheetal and then went to buy a good sports bra at Running Revolution.

March 15:
Buddy run at Rivermark. I tried the 6-2 interval with Chris Walker and surprisingly, it turned out that I can do it!

March 17:
Track again. Today, we were asked to do a full 4 miles with a buddy - from fast running team, and guess the time we would take and see if we reach it. I bumped into Shyam whom I had met only once during the first few days and he is just coming back to the running group. Shyam was a fast runner and can do a mile under 10 minutes. My pace was about 13-15 mins /mile and we did some calculations and put 48 min as our total time. We did 2 miles each and finished in about 38 minutes - well before our prediction- dint win though!

March 19:
I was a bit excited when i heard the run is at Santa Cruz, CA. It turned out to be a very rough weather day with rain all day. Myself, Shalin and Sheetal car pooled to the Natural Bridges, Santa Cruz. Very beautiful trail -as it was - was also full of rain. When we started walking, it slowly drizzled, and slowly it became a rain and then we saw hail storms... I have never seen such ice rain. ஆலங்கட்டி மழை (aalangatti mazhai) as we say in Tamil, is a very rare happening in Chennai, my home town. The ice particles that fell here, did not become ice for a long time. I first thought its probably salt crystals, since we are so close to Ocean. The ice crystals fell down and on us and everywhere, like about 3 or 4 times in the whole 2 hours that we ran. The weather was as is freezing and the rain made it worse. All the layers of cloth that I had worn to secure myself, had already drenched. I felt numb on my legs, hand and cheeks. My new wind shielding gloves were wet by the time we covered the 3 miles and when I was walking back, I was feeling numb with or without the gloves.
We did only 6 miles in 2 hours and that too mostly walking and chatting with Sheetal. This was probably my first long run where I brought back my water bottle almost full. After we finished the run, we came back to join Shalin where she was selling her sandwiches for the fund raising and helped her. After a brunch in Santa Cruz Ideal Bar, we headed back to San Jose - all exhausted, but feeling good since even the hail was unable to stop us!

Oct 23 2018
I want to just write down how this all ended. I did the biggest run - one week before the original date -May 1st, I did the half marathon here in San Jose in the last week fo April 2, 2011. Half the usual runners were absent since it was the day the cricket world cup finals. As I came back from the 13 mile run - i heard that India won.

I went home - and after that we dint do any big runs until the May 1st. But the week before - on April 23, I was about to go to the run, I did a pregnancy test and found out I was pregnant with my first baby - Vaasan. That ended my Half marathon stint. I tried registering for another half marathon in 2013 only to find out this time I had Guhan in my tummy :-). So that stopped any half-marathons for me for a while. Lets see if i can get back after Nandhini is 2 year old :-)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Duck Walking - Luv Ya..

OK. Two weeks! Please dont think I was in my warm couch sipping some hot tea, since its raining heavily..

Rain or Shine - Together to train!

Ofcourse, I need to admit that I was lazying around on Tuesday 15th, Feb, dint want to go run after a long day at work..

Thursday - Feb 16 - it was raining, but we had a good workout. I was in the track running and sweating. We did multiple laps. Many people whom I had known, dint turn out due to rain I guess.

Saturday Feb 19 - I was late as usual, and I was searching for parking.. The day was very beautiful when I got up, sunny and warm, but as I drove to the Los Gatos Creek Trail, it was drizzling already! I did the way forward all by myself, Coach Tim asked me to do only a 5 miles, but by the time I was in near the 2.5 mile water station, I was all set to touch the 3 mile mark.. I met Mike at the 3 mile mark and we waited for Ashoken and came back as a Team - all three of us!.. We met Rol on our way back and we were one of the last teams to finish I guess :-) In all, 6 miles took 1:40 hours for me..

Tuesday Feb 22 - Buddy training again - I was tempted to bunk this session today again, and then I thought its better to go run so that I can save my momentum. So, i went to the Rivermark Plaza, to see Thersa, Suresh and Chris waiting to start running. I paired up with Theresa for a walk/run and we did 2.5 miles - it felt so good.

Thursday Feb 24 - Yesterday it was another train in the rain! We did track work outs.. I was a little disappointed to hear I am in the slow runners/ walkers group but ofcourse, the main intent of my run is to finish the distance with no injuries. So, I am not going to push myself very hard to be part of the faster group.. As a group of four, we did duck walking - means we walk in a line, and the fourth person will walk faster to come to the first position and then the last person now again walks past the first one to be come the new first one.. it was great and the fun element was Theresa. She was finding new new things to say and share between us and it turned out to be a fun walk.. When we finished the 4 laps, i wanted to do more!

I am not going to be running during the weekend.. I would have loved to try it in Snow ;-) but may be i would do something on Monday.. try to do a long run sometime to catch up.. till then..